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For Art, get it into jpeg, gif or png and make sure it's below 1mb.
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OzKids Registration allows you to enter work produced by yourself or work on behalf of others, such as your child or students. You will be able to manage all entries in one place and see their status.
Story or Poetry
Get your work typed up in electronic format and come up with a catchy title.
If you’ve got a picture to go with the entry, make sure it’s in jpg, png or gif format and try to keep the file size below 1mb.
And finally, don’t forget to spell check your work.
You will need to get an electronic copy of your artwork. The easiest way is to take a picture of it with your phone, then email it to yourself so you have a copy on your computer to upload.
The file format needs to be in jpg, png or gif format and below 2mb. Make sure the filename doesn’t contain any strange characters and try to keep it short.
Write a short description about the work. This helps the judges understand the story behind the art or the methods used.
Story or Poetry
When you’re ready, login to your personal OzKids account and select ‘ADD WRITING ENTRY’ from the menu. Fill in your details (or the author, if doing this for someone else) and paste the entry into the field provided.
Don’t forget to tell us if it’s a Short Story or Poem too.
If you’ve got a picture to go with the entry, make sure it’s in jpg, png or gif format and try to keep the file size below 1mb.
Every entry is individually assessed before being approved, this can take a couple of days before it’s visible on the public website. Please be patient.
Select ‘ADD ART ENTRY’ after you login to your OzKids account.
Fill in all the details such as Title, Category along with a short description about the art, then upload your file.
Your personal details will be pre-filled but if you are entering art for someone else such as your child or student, don’t forget to put their name in the fields provided.
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