It’s Spring. Some of you may not have noticed, as states have had days and weeks of lockdowns. Some students are not getting outside to see the changing season. It has happened while most are too busy just getting homeschooling done, and/or studying for exams. This is how we feel right now. Time just continues and it seems to go too fast.
We have all seen the same four walls a bit too much. Whatever it is you prefer, take your supplies outside and work there. Look around and get inspired by what is happening there. Take a photo and write about it, or think of where you would like to be, then write about it.
Even though we haven’t received a large amount of entries, we certainly understand why. The entries have been more creative and imaginative. Arts entries have increased, which shows what students are enjoying doing.
Stay safe and …
Keep on Dreaming and Writing (Typing)!
Carol Dick
Managing Editor