Thankyou for the countless submissions we received from a cross section of schools nation-wide. Awarding recognition was a difficult task – such was the quality of student work. To those teachers who found the time in the hurly burly of a normal school day – thank you.
“OzKidz In Print” aims to recognise and promote emerging young talent in Australia. We offer a forum through which you can gain recognition (although the satisfaction of a job well done normally fulfills most writers.) If we can play a part in launching your literary career, that is thanks enough. For others, substantial prizes and certificates, (plus recognition for your school) may be your motivation. We all come to writing from different perspectives.
But wherever you are “coming from” never stop writing.
In the words of P.G. Wodehouse “success comes to a writer, as a rule, so gradually that it is always something of a shock to him to look back and realise the heights to which he has climbed”
P.S. The Editorial Committee cannot accept responsibility for all errors in submissions presented. We are only human and subject to publication restrictions and the like.
Liberties in punctuation have been taken, if in the view of the Selection Committee, the piece would be diminished by the change.
Noel Butterfield